Welcome to Orthodoxy

An outreach to help all Australians

Orthodox icon holy spirit pentecost acts bible

Common Questions

Quick answers to a lot of the common questions about the faith

New Christian

The first baby steps are usually the hardest, we are here to support you ​

Good Readings

Deep & thought provoking books that we love and recommend

Orthodox Charities

Australia is our country and together, we are proud to give back

Orthodox icon holy spirit pentecost acts bible

Common Questions

Quick answers to a lot of the common questions about the faith

New Christian

The first baby steps are usually the hardest, we are here to support you ​

Good Readings

Deep & thought provoking books that we love and recommend

Orthodox Charities

Australia is our country and together, we are proud to give back


What is the Trinity?

Today we look at the “Trinity” and what it is and what it isn’t. This article will only briefly touch on this subject because if we were to thoroughly discuss it  we would be here all day. What we actually want to do today is  to take a brief look at what the big fuss about the Trinity is all about.

quick answers

Orthodox Christianity is full of rites and traditions, some of which can be confusing at times. Please feel free to read some of these articles or get in touch with us.

Church Sacraments

An introduction to the holiest traditions of the church and why we do it.

Who is our Pope?

We DON’T share the same pope as the Catholics – in fact, we have our own.

quick answers

Orthodox Christianity is full of rites and traditions, some of which can be confusing at times. Please feel free to read some of these articles or get in touch with us.

Church Sacraments

An introduction to the holiest traditions of the church and why we do it.

Who is our Pope?

We DON’T share the same pope as the Catholics – in fact, we have our own.

“If you have nothing to give people, give them a warm smile and a kind word, give them love, give them tenderness, give them a word of encouragement; give them your heart” 

Pope Shenouda III
(1923 – 2012)

Community Involvement

Coptic Charities

In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said:
‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’

- Acts 20:35

The Coptic Orthodox Church does a lot of charities and they give back to our community and internationally, find out more about some of our services.


Some great reading books for your collection

Some great reading books for your collection

welcome home

Find a church near you

There are many churches throughout the country, so we’re sure that you’ll find one near you. However, it’s not about just finding a church, but finding a home that you’re comfortable in. Get in contact with us and we’ll get you started – and you can do this anonymously.

handmade in australia

Purchase quality

These breathtaking Orthodox icons & prayer ropes are handmade in Australia with care and love. Each knot of the prayer rope has the Jesus Prayer prayed through it. Free postage for Australia and shipping internationally is available. Can make custom made products. These are just some of the available products from Orthodox Handmade, check out their Facebook & Instagram  for more!

Please note that Orthodox Handmade is independent, and we here at Orthodoxy.com.au do not make any money/commissions from sales or clicks, we just really love the quality!

handmade in australia

Purchase quality

These breathtaking Orthodox icons & prayer ropes are handmade in Australia with care and love. Each knot of the prayer rope has the Jesus Prayer prayed through it. Free postage for Australia and shipping internationally is available. These are just some of the available products from Orthodox Handmade, check out their FacebookInstagram for more!

Please note that Orthodox Handmade is independent, and we here at Orthodoxy.com.au do not make any money/commissions from sales or clicks, we just really love the quality!