Short articles

The aim of this page is to provide basic information about Orthodoxy that is quick and digestible. It is not designed to be in depth in anyway, but just to touch upon the subjects so that you can get a basic understanding.

quick read

Short articles

The aim of this page is to provide basic information about Orthodoxy that is quick and digestible. It is not designed to be in depth in anyway, but just to touch upon the subjects so that you can get a basic understanding.

Trinity Orthodox

What is the Trinity?

Today we look at the “Trinity”, what it is and what it isn’t. This article will only briefly touch on this subject because if we were to discuss it thoroughly, you’ll be reading for days.

pope tawadros II coptic orthodox

Who is our pope?

The Coptic pope is Pope Tawadros II, who is the spiritual leader of the Coptic Orthodox faith where he is an administrator that lives the faith and keeps it pure for this generation and the next generation. Pope Tawadros II is the 118th pope and patriarch of the Sea of Alexandria, which means that he is the direct successor of St. Mark

christ icon redeemer resurrection

Why did God come down to earth?

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. And out of His love, He created humans in his image; by this we mean that He created us in His likeness. The first man who was called Adam and he lived in a perfect world called Eden. In this place there was only ONE rule: not to eat from the fruit of the trees of Good and Evil. That’s it.

church incense orthodox priest

How the Orthodox see the 'Church'

Today, we look in-depth as to why the church matters to the Christian and how we can utilize it to grow and strengthen our faith. In a previous article, we discussed what the seven sacraments are and why they are so important. Now we’ll look at the “Church” and what it is all about. Christ Himself instituted the church while He was down here on earth.

What is a sacrament?

What is a sacrament? The word ‘Sacrament’ in the context of Orthodoxy means the “Holy Mysteries”. The Orthodox Church has seven main Sacraments, and the main reason we have a "Church" is to brings people together so that they can partake in the sacraments together as a congregation.

Jesus icon orthodox church

What is the church?

Some people think that it’s a building and some people think that it’s just a man-made object. But today we’re going to take a sneak peek at what the church is and a brief look at its history: The Orthodox Church was founded by our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and is the living manifestation of His presence on earth. It is the tradition that was handed down by Christ Himself.

jerusalem orthodox easter orthodoxy miracle holy fire

Proof God is real

People always want evidence to prove that God exists. This can be proven through logic and reasoning. Let’s look at how God shows Himself to the people on earth for a few reasons. Obviously, we can’t speak on behalf of God, but historical patterns do emerge and are also reflected in the Bible.


Take up your cross and follow Christ

The first duty of a Christian, of a disciple and follower of Jesus Christ, is to deny oneself. To deny oneself means: to give up one’s bad habits, to root out of the heart all that ties us to the world…to be dead to sin and the world, but alive to God. A Christian’s second duty is to take up one’s cross. The word “cross” means sufferings, sorrows and adversities.

Jesus word

Quickfire: Difference between Orthodox faith and Protestant faith

This is not our article; it is a publication that has been around for a while. Furthermore, we don’t intend to flame anyone, but we want to thought provoke Christians on both sides of the aisle.

Why does the church matter? (Coming soon)

The Holy Spirit established the church on Pentacost, so if it's important to God then it should be important to the Christian.

Why do we need a relationship with Christ (Coming soon)

We need to have a personal relationship with Christ (no surprise there), but why?